Making use of external libraries in NS3

There are have been some articles introducing how to make used of external libraries in NS3, such as

HOWTO use ns-3 with other libraries

Extending NS3 with your module and extra libraries


But they are not very straightforward, or it took me a little while to make it work. So I’ll simply repass the HOWTO with more details here.

  1. The first step is, of course, make your own libraries or the third-party library ready. If you want to build your own libraries, you can check

Static, Shared Dynamic and Loadable Linux Libraries

Assuming now we have a static library named libctest.a and header file ctest.h. 

2. In the wscript file of your module, add the following code:

def configure(conf):


def build(bld):


ATTENTION: the file names and lib names are important!!

If you are using third party libraries, you probably need to define the LD_* variables accordingly.

3. Reconfigure and rebuild ns3 with, if it’s a static library

./waf configure –enable-static

and then

./waf build

4. In the code where you need to make used of the library, include the header files like:

extern “C”{ //we are using c here

#include <ctest.h>


Now you can make used of the functions defined in the lib.


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2 Responses to Making use of external libraries in NS3

  1. Ouss says:

    Could you help me please ? I have my program called “rate-adaptation” on NS3 under scratch folder. It runs perfectly. Now, I want to use CPLEX libraries installed in “/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio127/” from my program. The problem is that I get the error:
    ../scratch/rate-adaptation/server.h:22:26: fatal error: ilopl/iloopl.h: No such file or directory

    Couldu you please tell me what is wrong ?

    My wscript file under scratch/rate-adaptation looks like :
    def configure(conf):

    def build(bld):
    obj = bld.create_ns3_program(‘rate-adaptation’, [‘core’, ‘stats’, ‘point-to-point’, ‘internet’, ‘applications’])
    obj.source = ‘’

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